Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Without much ado, I have decided to start this blog as a gateway to my lens of consciousness and mind’s realm. The human mind is such a beautiful, complex instrument – so beautiful that it wholeheartedly impedes any attempts at my own self-improvement. In my experiences, any time the brain is provided evidence that it needs to change, defense mechanisms bombard your psyche against any deviance from the status quo.
Thus, my oft-occurring thoughts that it would be cool to write and thinking that I would be a good writer were only missing one essential element – the part where I actually write things.
So here I am, etching my words into the interwebs via transistors, nodes, and IP addresses.
In today’s consumer-driven, rat race, “techno-soul-snatching” society mostly bereft of creativity and authenticity, I often consider how modern 1st world humans spend the majority of their time consuming things other people made (TV, Taco Bell, websites) versus creating something of their own. This blog is an attempt to fight that trend, find a grip on what is true and real, and document life’s innumerable serendipitous synchronicities.

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